Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Answers for Week 6

Dear all,

Here are the answers for the week. My apologies for the late post.


Q1. His dog will die unless he takes good care of it. 

Note: After the word 'unless', it is always followed directly with a positive statement.

Q2. Peter asked May if/whether she would be able to make it for the party the following/next day. 

Note: Look at the tense of the verb outside the conversation/speech first. If it is past tense, we have to change the tenses within the speech (present --> past, past --> past perfect, past perfect would remain as it is). Next, look at the punctuation mark. If it is a '?", we have to make sure that in our answer, the subject comes first followed by the verb(s).

Q3. The boys insisted on playing on the field however heavy the rain was. 

Note: 'however' has the same meaning as no matter how. After the word 'however', it is accompanied by the adjective - noun - verb.

Q4. The old lady tripped and fell down due to the worker's negligence. 

Note: After the words 'due to', it is followed by the subject and then the noun. In this case here, you have to change the adjective in the original sentence to its noun form, e.g (happy --> happiness, sad --> sadness, disappointed --> disappointment) In this case here, negligent as an adjective is changed to negligence.

Q5. With ease, the puppy crawled through the tiny hole. 

Note: Somewhat similar to the Q4, after the word 'with', it is followed by the noun. In this case here, you have to change the adjective or adverb in the original sentence to a noun. 'easily' is changed to 'ease'.


Q1. The source of energy for the toy car is the batteries (contains chemical energy).

Q2. Chemical energy --> Kinetic energy + Sound energy + Heat energy

Topic: Heat 
Processes: Expansion and contraction
Concept: Heat expands objects while cool air contracts objects. 

The gaps allow space for expansion of the metal rails during a hot gap to prevent the metal rails from cracking. During a cool day, the gap then allows space for contraction.

Q3. Topic: Heat 
Processes: Absorbing and Radiating of Heat
Concept: Dark coloured objects absorb heat much better than lighter coloured/shiny objects. 

(a) Dark coloured objects absborb heat much better than lighter coloured objects. As a result, the black coloured box absorbs more heat than the shiny box and the heat is conducted through the box to melt the ice at a faster rate than the ice in the shiny box. 

(b) Size of the box, number of ice, size of the ice, Place where the box is put at

Mr Nelson Ong

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